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Why simpler tools matter.

Modern software's become too complex and costly. We believe less can help teams achieve more.
20 years
We’re not newbies 🐣
0 funding
100% bootstrapped🎉
2 founders
Hi, we’re Light & Michael👋
In a time of modern software complexity, we believe that simplicity has it’s place. Ledger is a less-is-more software concept, intentionally designed from the onset to make your team more productive and engaged by simplifying product usage.
Ledger’s story dates back all the way to 2001—and the founding of a financial firm looking for the right CRM solution. While the company initially stuck to the team management tools available at the time, it soon became crystal clear that no product perfectly fit their needs.
The software that would eventually become Ledger wasn’t at all developed with the market in mind or a 'niche'. It was developed internally for a single team. Ledger is only as powerful, as dynamic, and as simple as it is because for well over a decade its only priority was improvement.
Years and years went into perfecting this tool, and it wasn’t until it had propelled our own team to exciting new heights that we even realized it could do the same for others. That’s why Ledger, as we know it, exists today. To help propel other companies and teams to exciting new heights.

Ledger brings simplicity: manifest

The way modern teams work isn't as unified as you might think. Most juggle multiple software subscriptions, with each new addition filling in for the shortcomings of the one before it. Nothing's really connected, and that's been a growing - and expensive - problem.

When these tools don't communicate well, and when they're too complex for the average user, teamwork suffers. We see entire teams reverting back to email as their primary tool because in the end, it feels simpler to use.

Ledger addresses this by unifying and simplifying the essential ways teams connect in a single space. Users don't get overwhelmed or scattered, and their work flows better. Even new hires can pick it up quickly.

We don’t believe you should have to choose between a system that can do it all and a system that is simple. We know you shouldn’t have to sacrifice power for simplicity, because we know simplicity unlocks power. And we know a simple, powerful team collaboration tool can unlock the potential of a single team while making work more engaging and delightful.

Meet the founders

We’re a small group of like-minded people working to make a difference in the way your team connects. We would love to meet you!
Light SilverLight Silver
Light Silver 💡🎾⛳️🌴 🤸🏽
Inc. 5000 CEO. LMU alum. Into Marketing, SaaS, Tennis, 49ers, Golf, & my daughter’s current obsession with tumbling.
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Michael Arieli 💪✏️ 🤔 😎 🚀
Developing software since 2000. Israeli born. Into fitness, software, writing books, and tinkering with anti-gravity engines.
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